Entertaining assembly for more than eight years, acting is much more than occupation for Nazriya Nazim; it is her passion. Just as she was commenced as heroine, she has melted all hearts in the state, and wooed assembly of all age assemblies. After a path breaking debut in Tamil-Malayalam bilingual 'Neram', and an adorable presentation in 'Raja Rani', what is Nazriya's outlook on Kollywood, her colleagues and the tallies of fans? In a latest interview to the newspapers, Nazriya opened up on her know-how in Kollywood. Speaking chronologically, Nazriya shared her thoughts, conviction, attitude and fears in Kollywood. The actress was first marked in for the movie 'Thirumanam Ennum NIkkah' converse Jai, and she says "Jai is a charming person to be with. It is from him that I learnt most of the Tamil I talk today, granted that my first Kollywood task was with him. A direct, mentor and a magnificent ally is all that Jai is. And Arya carries and enchanting personality! He is bubbly and full of power on the groups. He seldom shies away from speaking reality on the face, and is a large person to suspend out and have joy with. Arya is yet another person I share attractive friendship with, in the industry."
Juggling two at odds routes at the same time is a intimidating task. When quizzed how she organises to strike perfect balance between portraying and investigations, Nazriya is prepared with an answer. "That is a inquiry which many persons have inquired me. I do agree that it is a tough task, but not unrealistic. And here, I rely heavily on my friends. Whenever I find time between schedules, I catch up with them and take remarks on the proceedings in class. My friends help me out a large deal on this regard, and also clarify my concerns whenever I have any. Most importantly, I make it a issue to not ever overlook an exam" beams Nazriya. inquire her to commentaryaryary on Tamil audience, that is what presents her the jitters. "Tamil fans are a unchanging going by car force and a alallotmentment I draw inspiration from. Sometimes I worry I may drop short of gathering their anticipations, but it is this very thought that drives me forward to strive harder" says a assured Nazriya.
The charming actress resolved her interview, explaining a quirky experience she came across - "I was strolling with my mother one day and suddenly a juvenile man came running to me and said that he loves me and loves my eyes. And waiting no farther he sprinted off at the same pace that he arrived. When I believe of the occurrence, it gets me giggling, but it furthermore throws lightweight on how much people adore me and anticipate of me."